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Kali Machine

Access your own Kali Machine

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  • TryHackMe Tutorial

Task 1 No OpenVPN access needed​

If you're using the Kali Machine, it removes the OpenVPN requirement! This is because the Kali machine is on the same network as the TryHackMe deployed machines.

  1. Read the above.

No answer needed

Task 2 In-browser Kali machine (Dedicated Page)​

Access your own fast in-browser Kali machine on the my-machine page.

The dedicated in-browser page is designed to make your learning experience easier

  1. Deploy and interactive with your web-based Kali Linux machine on the my-machine page.

No answer needed

Task 3 In-browser Kali machine (Optimised)​

Deploy In-Browser Kali Linux (Optimised)

Deploy the machine on the My-Machine page to get the machines password.

A Kali Linux Machine you can launch to help you with challenges on our platform. You can either RDP or use your browser to access the machine.

Using Your Browser

Once you have deployed the Kali machine, click on the "Access in browser" button on the "Active Machine Information" panel to control it in full screen mode.

Using RDP

If you are able to decrease your color depth (this is normally in your RDP client), please do so as it will decrease any network lag you might get.

You will need to first disconnected the in-browser connection. To do this, click the "Access in Browser" button, then navigate back to the room and click "Logout". Then try use RDP with your own client.

Using SSH

To SSH into the machine, use the credentials displayed above.

Machine Specs

  • 8GB RAM
  • 3GHz Intel (2x) vCPU
  • 30GB SSD

Please remember: Illegal activity is forbidden using any of our machines. All actions carried out on this machine are solely your responsibility.

  1. Launch the machine and access it.

No answer needed

Task 4 Deploy your own Kali Machine (2020 Version)​

Deploy Kali Linux (2020)

A Kali Linux Machine you can launch to help you with challenges on our platform. You can either RDP or use your browser to access the machine.

Using Your Browser

Once you have deployed the Kali machine, click on the "Access in browser" button on the "Active Machine Information" panel to control it in full screen mode.

Using RDP

Username: root Password: Tryh4ckm3

If you are able to decrease your color depth (this is normally in your RDP client), please do so as it will decrease any network lag you might get.

You will need to first disconnected the in-browser connection. To do this, click the "Access in Browser" button, then navigate back to the room and click "Logout". Then try use RDP with your own client.

Using SSH

To SSH into the machine, use the credentials displayed above.

Machine Specs

  • 8GB RAM
  • 3GHz Intel (2x) vCPU
  • 30GB SSD

Please remember: Illegal activity is forbidden using any of our machines. All actions carried out on this machine are solely your responsibility.

  1. Launch the machine and access it.

No answer needed

Task 5 Kali Machine (2018 Version)​

Deploy Kali Linux (2018)

A Kali Linux Machine you can launch to help you with challenges on our platform. You can either RDP or use your browser to access the machine. For now, SSH access has been disabled.

Using RDP

Username: root Password: toor

The specs for the machine are as follows:

  • 8GB RAM
  • 3GHz Intel (2x) vCPU
  • 30GB SSD

If you are able to decrease your color depth (this is normally in your RDP client), please do so as it will decrease any network lag you might get.

Desktop Environment: Gnome

Using Your Browser

Once you have deployed the Kali machine, click on the "Access in browser" button on the "Active Machine Information" panel. When you are taken to another website, click the "Connect" button and use the password kaliroot to login to the machine using your browser!

It might take a minute to configure when you have deployed your machine, please be patient if its not loading.

Desktop Environment: Gnome

Please remember: Illegal activity is forbidden using any of our machines. All actions carried out on this machine are solely your responsibility.

  1. Launch the machine and access it.

No answer needed

Task 6 In-browser Kali machine (Optimised US-West)​

Deploy In-Browser Kali Linux (Optimised : US-West)

Deploy the machine on the My-Machine page to get the machines password.

A Kali Linux Machine you can launch to help you with challenges on our platform. You can either RDP or use your browser to access the machine.

Using Your Browser

Once you have deployed the Kali machine, click on the "Access in browser" button on the "Active Machine Information" panel to control it in full screen mode.

Using RDP

If you are able to decrease your color depth (this is normally in your RDP client), please do so as it will decrease any network lag you might get.

You will need to first disconnected the in-browser connection. To do this, click the "Access in Browser" button, then navigate back to the room and click "Logout". Then try use RDP with your own client.

Using SSH

To SSH into the machine, use the credentials displayed above.

Machine Specs

  • 8GB RAM
  • 3GHz Intel (2x) vCPU
  • 30GB SSD

Please remember: Illegal activity is forbidden using any of our machines. All actions carried out on this machine are solely your responsibility.

  1. Deploy the machine and access it in your browser.

No answer needed

Task 7 THM My Machine v1.0​

Use the My Machine page to access this machine

  1. Go to the My Machine page to deploy and access the AttackBox machine!

No answer needed

Task 8 THM Kali (Optimised v1.1)​

Use the My Machine page to access this machine

  1. Go to the My Machine page to deploy and access the AttackBox machine!

No answer needed